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Cancellation Policy

If you or any member of your party wishes to cancel your holiday, you must notify us in writing only. In any case, the date of cancellation will be at the date on which notice is received by us. The person who signed the confirmation form must also sign the letter of cancellation. As this incurs administrative costs and we may not be able to resell your booking, cancellation charges will apply on the following scale:

Number of days before departure, Holidaymate receives your written cancellation Amount of Cancellation charges shown as a % of a total holiday price you must pay
More than 45 days Deposit only
44 – 30 days 40% of total holiday cost
29 – 15 days 60% of total holiday cost
15 days or less 90% of total holiday cost

In all cases the above cancellation fees, will be applicable in INR. Force Majeure: This means that we will not pay you compensation if we have to cancel or change your travel arrangements in any way because of unusual or unforeseeable circumstances beyond our control. These can include and are not limited to war, riot, industrial dispute, terrorist activity and its consequences, natural or nuclear disaster, fire, adverse weather conditions and many more.

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