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Choice and Flexibility

Home is where the best place is!!! When you are with your family, far away destination holiday just feels like home.

choose your family holiday with holidaymate

Endless Exploration

On the ocean of life when you sail on the family ship, choose HolidayMate as your compass.

- Endless Exploration family tours from HolidayMate


A happy family is but an earlier heaven, the next holiday you choose with your family will be an heavenly experience

- HolidayMate makes you create everlasting memories with FOCUS on FAMILY.


Family are God’s gift to you, as you are to them. A family trip is a celebration.

- Let the HolidayMate plan the Itinerary you choose to explore

Your Pace

In this amazing world with eternal beauty its endless exploration when you take a trip with your family.

- Use Your Pace and Rejoice with your family by choosing Exquisite HolidayMate Tour plans

Travel Private means – Personalized Travel

No fixed itinerary of pre-existing route of journey or places that is forced upon you. No preset – dates that makes you take a second thought. It is you who choose WHERE, WHEN and HOW you want to travel.

Gathering with Family

- Rejoice with your family on a perfect holiday -

Travelling with the family is a way of learning and exploring while making memories with the people you love the most. Mom wants the spa, kids want to dive in pool, dad need to relish nature, grand parents want some adventure. Oh Yeah!!! holidaymate has got it covered all.

We Fabricate the best travel advisory, making sure you spend each moment on tour with your family creating unforgettable memories.

There will be hours full of exercises designed to learn and explore for all ages. Stay together, Eat, Cuddle and Relax with Love.

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