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Solo Trip

At Holidaymate we encourage the individuals to take the Solotrip we organise. Go on Solotrip but dont feel lonely as u will be with the group of unknown but equally enthusiastic group of people.

-Holidaymate Solo Trip


Awaken yourself, The real you, The unknown you, To liberate yourself, try the soul travel once .. Let HolidayMate be your Becon of Travel and comfort

Solo Travel

Travel Private means – Personalized Travel

No fixed itinerary of pre-existing route of journey or places that is forced upon you. No preset – dates that makes you take a second thought. It is you who choose WHERE, WHEN and HOW you want to travel.

Solo Trip

- As you travel solo -

At Holidaymate we encourage the individuals to take the Solotrip we organise. Go on Solotrip but dont feel lonely as u will be with the group of unknown but equally enthusiastic group of people. Do the things which you always wanted to do but shy(ed) away to do in front of your family/friends.

This Lonetrips will make you Beat out those deep fears and phobias which are accumulated within you from long and gives the gut to do the things which you longed to do but haven't done cause of the peer pressures. On Holidaymate 's Rediscovery trips there are no one who wants to judge you nor want to get judged.

Find new Passions Break the Chains with the Past, Do little drama, Dance a lot Discover a New You Find the answers you seek by yourself. Love yourself first because "An empty Lantern gives no light, Self-care is the fuel that allows your light shine brightly". While you re-evalue yourself, we will have your back and we say you are safe with us even in unknown location and with unknown People.

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