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Privacy Policy

Your privacy is important to Holidaymate. We respect your need to understand how information is being collected, used, disclosed, transferred and stored. Thus we have developed below Privacy policy to familiarize you with our practices. Personal information is data that can be used to identify or contact a single person Non personal information data is not person specific and hence can never uniquely identify and used to contact a single person.

Collection of personal information

You may be asked for personal information anytime you are in contact with Holidaymate directly or indirectly through a third party. The only way we will get any kind of personal information is if you choose to give it to us in following


  • When you make a reservation or purchase from our website or through our customer service team – by email, letter, fax, on the phone or in physical store
  • When you register with us, , subscribe to our newsletter, enter competitions, send us qsries or register for promotions
  • when you take part in surveys or provide us with feedback
  • When you engage with us in any online or offline event, promotions, page hosted by us on a third party platform or location

Use of personal information

Such stored information may not specifically identify you. PleaThe personal information collected is primarily used and passed on to third parties where it is necessary to process your booking, enquiry or participation. Your details may be passed to countries outside of the India in order to process and arrange for the products and services you request or confirm your participation. These details may also pass through our online frauds detector service partner. When you submit your booking or request to us and/or participate in our initiatives, you agree that we may use and transfer your personal information in this manner.

The personal information we collect helps us to keep you posted about Holidaymate’s latest product announcements, offers, promotions and events. It also allows us to improve our services, content and advertising. If you wish to unsubscribe, you can choose to do so.

We may also use the personal information to improve our product offering, develop, and deliver products, services, content and advertising.

We may use personal information to send you important notices and communications regarding our products and services availed or changes to the terms and conditions and policies.

Personal information may also be used internally for research, analysis and auditing.

Collection and use of non-personal information

The data collected in non personal manner which does not identify a particular user may be used in any manner. Below are some typical examples of how we collect and use information. We may collect information such as browser, operating system, occupation, language, pin code, unique device identifier, location so that we can better understand customer behavior and improve our products, services, and advertising.

We may collection information regarding customer activities on various portals of Holidaymate Ltd. This aggregated information is used in research, analysis, improve and monitor products and various promotional schemes. It may be shared in aggregated, non personal form with third party to enhance customer experience, products offering or services.

Cookies and Other Technologies

Cookies are a feature of web browser software that allows web servers to temporarily store information within your browser, which in turn allows us to recognize the computer used to access Holidaymate. Most Web browsers automatically accept cookies. Of course, by changing the options on your web browser or using certain software programs, you can control and delete how and whether cookies will be accepted by your browser. You can also edit your browser options to choose not to receive cookies in future.

In order to help us maintain and improve our service to you Holidaymate website, online services, applications, email messages, and advertisements may use ‘cookies’ to collect information about your use of the website. Cookies may also be used to carry out transactions and disabling them may affect the functionality of this website.

Holidaymate and its partners may use cookies or other technologies to record anonymous, non personal information (not including your name, address email address or telephone number) about your visits to this and other web sites in order to measure advertising effectiveness. We may also collect non personal information about your visit to our website, based on your browsing (click stream) activities. This information may include the pages browsed and products and services viewed or booked for example. This helps us to better manage and develop our offers and to provide you with better products and services tailored to your individual interests and needs. We may use this information to measure the entry and exit points of visitors to the Site and respective numbers of visitors to various pages and sections of the Site and details of searches performed. We may also use this information to measure the usage of advertising banners, other click through from the Site. As is true of most websites, we gather some information automatically and store it in log files. This information includes Internet Protocol (IP) addresses, browser type and language, Internet service provider (ISP), referring and exit pages, operating system, date/time stamp, and clickstream data. We use this information to understand and analyze trends, to administer the site, to learn about user behavior on the site, and to gather demographic information about our user base as a whole. Holidaymate may use this information in our marketing and advertising services. In some of our email messages, we use a “click-through URL” linked to content on the Holidaymate website. When customers click one of these URLs, they pass through a separate web server before arriving at the destination page on our website. We track this click-through data to help us determine interest in particular topics and measure the effectiveness of our customer communications. If you prefer not to be tracked in this way, you should not click text or graphic links in the email messages. Pixel tags enable us to send email messages in a format customers can read, and they tell us whether mail has been opened. We may use this information to reduce or eliminate messages sent to customers.

Disclosure to Third Parties

Holidaymate may share personal information as required to fulfill the service offering and/or to make booking, reservation, blocking and any such activity initiated by user.

Service providers and partners

Holidaymate may share personal information with companies who provide services such as information processing, extending credit, fulfilling customer orders, delivering products to you, managing and enhancing customer data, providing customer service, assessing your interest in our products and services, and conducting customer research or satisfaction surveys. These companies are obligated to protect your information.


Holidaymate Ltd may disclose Personal Information if required to do so by law or in the good-faith belief that such action is necessary to (a) conform to the edicts of the law or comply with legal process served on Holidaymate Ltd or the site; (b) protect and defend the rights or property of Holidaymate Ltd, the site or the users of Holidaymate Ltd, and (c) act under exigent circumstances to protect the personal safety of users of Holidaymate Ltd, Holidaymate Ltd, the site or the public.

We may also disclose information about you if we determine that disclosure is reasonably necessary to enforce our terms and conditions or protect our operations or users. Additionally, in the event of a reorganization, merger, or sale we may transfer any and all personal information we collect to the relevant third party.

Protection & Security

To protect your personal information and prevent unauthorized access, we have put in place appropriate security measures and certifications. We have SSL site and user should use it to protect the information transmission while transacting online.

While no system is full-proof, including ours, we will continue using internet security procedures to ensure your data remains safe with us.

By opening, browsing, using this site for transactions or storing any data/information, you agree to comply with the latest revised privacy policy in effect at such time. If you use some social networking or other service which maintains your information, it is governed by their terms of use and privacy policy.

While Holidaymate Ltd employs necessary security measures, it is limited by technology used for various processes by Holidaymate Ltd and/or by its partners. Holidaymate Ltd is not in any way responsible for any data loss occurring from malicious attempts to compromise its or partners/suppliers systems. Customer browsing/using/transacting on the site agrees with such limitation and exposure.

Access to Personal Informations

You can help ensure that your contact information and preferences are accurate, complete, and up to date by logging in to your account. For other personal information, we make good faith efforts to provide you with access so you can request that we correct the data if it is inaccurate or delete the data if Holidaymate is not required to retain it by law or for legitimate business purposes. We may decline to process requests that are unreasonably repetitive, require disproportionate technical effort, jeopardize the privacy of others, are extremely impractical, or for which access is not otherwise required by local law. Access, correction, or deletion requests can be made by sending an Email to the address provided in the end

Third-Party Sites and Services

Holidaymate Ltd, its contractors, agents, owners, and employees are not responsible for the content or the privacy policies of other web sites to which this site may link to or use offers from. Please take time to learn about them as well.

Privacy Questions

Our Privacy Policy undergoes revision from time to time. We may also make changes to the policy at such time. To make sure you have the access to latest version of Privacy policy, Kindly check/review this page periodically.

If at any time you believe that Holidaymate has not adhered to above principles/policy, please notify us by e-mail at and we will use all commercially reasonable efforts to promptly determine and correct the problem.

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